Well... time to focus! If I am ever going to start crossing things off my list, I suppose I should have....um, a list. So, I decided to break it down. While I have a bucket list a mile long of epic adventures I want to embark on throughout this crazy life... I also need short term goals (isn't that what they taught us in like elementary school?) So it is my goal to make a physical list of goals, that i can cross off as I do them... and hopefully when the summer is over I will look back with the satisfaction of seeing all of my plans marked off.... and the amazing memories to go along with them!
Thanks to a new favorite website, I found some inspiration for my to do lists! Here's what I found, I hope they inspire you like they did me, and I can't wait to finish my own to share! (oh, I also included a few things that are on my list!)
Love this. What a great way to mark off things one by one!
Make a bulletin board that you can tack things to as you come across them. Include newspaper ads, restaurants, flyers, or just sticky notes that you make as you think of ideas. Pull them off as you go, but be sure to save them all in a safe place so you can look back on all you have done!
Definitely at the top of my to do list: paddle boarding.
an area of mine that needs some improvement... but a goal by the end of summer!
Well... I DO live in California. Wine tasting is a MUST!
Do I need to say more here? Who doesn't want to be a surfer girl?
This is numero uno on my list. Buy an amazing camera. Take photography classes. Take amazing pictures.
Pics of my to do list... coming soon!